MIDNIGHT!/ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Didnt update for so long le... Lots of things had come and go, so idk where to start... 1st things 1st.My camp!!! It's so awesome~ Like every other camp~ 'Cept's it's getting better every year! I can summarise it in one word: AWESOMENESSES!!!! If there is a word like that XDDDCNY!!! Hope you guys collected lots of ang bao! I didn't, coz i didn't visit my ah chor's place. He's... Dead you see, so no extra angbao. But then, I really miss that place 'coz I get to play there and see my ah chor... Suddenly i feel so damn crappy :(Anyway, we got i really long holiday, thanks to our principal Dr Ong. And this is probably the only thing which i am very grateful about :)My father was admitted to the hospital during Wed midnight. I kept worrying about my father AND the hospital bill, but thankfull the next afternoon he was alright and can be sent back to home. Even then, the hospital bill is around $200-300 (WTF it's only a few hours) and my father's aching body is... well, still aching. He is fine now thank you for you concern- Wait, no one reads my blog anyway.Last week have HW, today have HW and the next few days also have HW... Sian lah. I want to drop P.E!!!I wanna relax, but so many HW. Might as well let us commit suicide.
Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
1/28/2009 11:38:00 AM <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Friday, January 16, 2009
Very the sick today... Sian lah... Cough and flu at the same time. My throat very the sore after all those screamings coz my friends cant hear over the crowd during recess... Walao eh i got no tissue le... And now i am very the disoriented and dazed coz i cant really think properly...Den again... It's all my fault in the first place. Stuffing myself with dry CNY crackers makes my throat really uncomfortable... Heh shouldn't have been so greedy.There's really nopthing much to do except for HW and duty... And i thought i can get back home early... Let's see what HW i have...English: Not really, coz it's about the camp grouping and the brochure stuff.A-maths: Weekend HW, A-maths TB... A lot lah.E-maths: Sama-sama lah.Bio: Don't think have.Physics: The experiment...Chemistry: WS 2-6. Chinese: Dunno.SSHG: The WS nearly complete.The other subjects which i think i left out: Maybe have...But in the end the HW is much more than i have imagined... Or is my imagination's short of something?Maybe a few brain cells here and there.Oh well.
Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
1/16/2009 01:54:00 PM <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Thursday, January 15, 2009
Finally, i can update without Jonas disturbing me and intruding my privacy. So i am gonna clear up a few things first...NUMBER 1!!! Being in the Pure Sciences/ Triple Sciences/ Smart-Asses Class DOESN'T make the people studying in 3/9 smart, ok? I know, I know... You think studying 3 sciences = smart, IQ high and able to solve everything? You think able to take 3 pure sciences makes you brag about how smart am I, is it? ........... Well, yeah, BUT!!!! You see, it's not the matter of mow many subjects you take, it is actually how efficient you did your HW and how smart you work. I am not as smart as to choose other classes, like 3/8 or the other classes, so that makes me stupid. Nonsensical type of stupid. I lack in common sense, so i am doing what others think i am really stupid or something like that...NUMBER 2!!! When you guys tell me i am from 3/9, take pure science, very the smart coz i went into the class, so on and so forth... I feel like as if i am separated from you guys. You see, being diferrent does not just mean i am kinda special, but it also means that i am not fitting in, and i feel pretty peed off about that. Maybe that's why i don't really feel like talking a lot, coz i got nothing to talk about with you guys. No, i am not complaining nor making excuses to hang out with 3/9 peoples, but because it's true. Sadly. :(There's no number three :) And no subsequent numbers after that either.Well i gotta put up some links... WARNING: ALL OF THEM ARE NARUTO VIDS. Enjoy :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUp2FuXTm8E - The sot diao vid.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BenmQOs32tk&feature=related - Oso sot diao 1.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfNel8npfec - Tabla tennis Chaos :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ0HHM8PoCo&feature=related - Another weird vid.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4z9MK0lDsM - Not really funny though, but laughable.
Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
1/15/2009 04:13:00 PM <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Monday, January 12, 2009
I survived the first week of school!!! Yay!!! No major problems, except for HW. Well, i gotta be quick: i don't have enough time to update... Sad, right?So i have one hell of a time in my class. Yeah right. Might as well say pigs can fly. Si bei stressful sia, so many HW here and there... T-T But i didn't suffer from nervous breakdown, so that's fine. I think.Anyways, i am pretty ok lah... I don't feel like updating everyday, coz got nothing to say...Oh yeah, E. I still finding that idiotic vid. Dunno where to find sia... Stupid me, didn't record down the title. Oh well, i find it myself lor since it's the only way... But yesterday i watched the youtube vids, so kinda lost track of the time and how many vids i watched.
Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
1/12/2009 04:10:00 PM <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Thursday, January 8, 2009
Yay!!! I can finally blog again!!! Sorry for the long wait (if there is anyone idiotic enough to wait). Tuesdays i have CCAs, so cant use the cpu... Wednesdays i stay back until 5.10 pm, so cant use the cpu... Sad, right? That's the life of a smartass.So my homework can never completed... Well, i think i can, but i too lazy to do my homework. Hahas.Anyway, i wont type too long, coz i need to go to the national library later, so i cant stay... T-T i wanna stay long long 1 leh...
Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
1/08/2009 04:08:00 PM <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Monday, January 5, 2009
School's back, and Nina is too~!!! YAY~ I can blog at ease!!! Without my mother's nagging~ YAY~So... I know people miss me! Yeah i know you do. So i gonna continue from where i left off.I cant find my memo card reader, so i cant post any pics here. Pics of my genting trip, my christmas celebration and THE HUMILIATION OF SASUKE!!! Muahahahahahahahahaha.But seriously, i really dont wanna crap.So... About the ban which was imposed on me during the hols while i was travelling back home. It was an exciting evening, full with hopes of reunion, when this crappy call from singtel told me that i overused my gprs overseas. My thought was: Shit. My mother is so gonna kill me. And kill and kill and kill. That's what i call overkill.Anyway, that totally destroyed the happy mood. Then when i get into my father's car (my mother's driving it), my guilt totally overwhelmed me and i have to blurt out what i did.. Right?And then my mother got peed off, then... Bo pian liao lor. Die liao lor.But i still secretly play.Yay~But cannot use the cpu.Darn.So... I think you can call me a naruto fan aready... I think.I am still trying to outspeed the fire style: fire ball jutsu. After that i think i gotta try out the water style: water dragon jutsu. Ha beat that sasuke.Not much now... I will miss ya cpu. And you too, blog.'Coz i dont think i can update anymore...My time's really limited.*sniffs*Bye...
Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
1/05/2009 04:20:00 PM <3