MIDNIGHT!/ Thursday, February 19, 2009
Oi you idiotic playlist. Not you, that blue circle thing which makes me so dang peed off. Anyway, if you don't play your music, i am gonna.... Wait, i can't do anything... (swears in the background)Anyway, i think i am gonna leave this blog inactive for a while, since i am too freaking busy to update even once a week.My sister will keep things going just fine. (pushes all the work to Jo) There. My blog won't rust and i have time to do my HW!!!Finally.Wait.This is just crap.Wishful thinking...........................Crap.
Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
2/19/2009 06:22:00 PM <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Monday, February 16, 2009
Man, it's so torturous with HW already, and now? It's horrible when i didnt update my blog for like, 2 weeks!!! I seriously have no time, and when i have no time, i mean literally and truthfully no time. If you dont belive, which i doubt so, ask the others around me.I am pretty stressed out. It's only like, less than an hour to my english test and i am here not revising for english but updating my blog.Weird, right?Well, as long as i typed something to update, i am fine with anything.Sian.
Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
2/16/2009 02:02:00 PM <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy happy me!!! My blog skin has changed, and it's much better! :) But i don't think i can get use to this blog skin though... It looks quite weird. Never seen so much blue before. Lol. Anyway... Yesterday was everyone's birthday! Ren ri, the seventh day on the Chinese Lunar Calendar, where people gather to eat yu sheng!!! And every year go eat Sakae Sushi de -_- Every year oso eat same de... A little bit sian le, so next time try kopitiam one!Not much to update le, except the fact that i am suppose to go home right after lessons and i am still here updating this blog. MY sis sure going to nag like my mother... Nag nag nag till my ears dropped.Aiya, no time le.Hope you enjoy my new blog skin! :)Even though personally i would say, the one before is way better.
Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
2/02/2009 05:15:00 PM <3