<body> Midnight SILHOUETTE V2 /
Nina Lim Jia Hui aka T3hKHFan
Sec OneFive '07
Sec TwoFive '08
Sec ThreeNine '09
Sec FourNine '10
Red house
25 Nov 1994
I love chocolates (!)

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Designer : Ebullient*
Image: PGP.
Texture: I II.



July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
April 2010
August 2010
May 2017



MIDNIGHT!/ Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So I came back later than ever, with sore feet and a headache. Damn stupid 10th anniversary for the school, even though some VVIPs like Mr Teo Chee Hean will be there, I couldn't enjoy the air-condition hall...
I am a usherer, for goodness sake!
Need to stand at the gate, smiling so damn fake, reading off a piece of paper, standing near a pillar for countless of hours... Sian.
I very poor thing leh. Stand there do nothing, along with others. At least Jonas can keep me entertained by arguing with Zheng Da on who should be the escorter. Ha, they so gay.
But at least got free food. Kinda worth it.
And see those performers kena tortured by Mr Ng. So sad :)
We in shelter, so it's shiok.
Oh, and some entertaining arguement between my artistic lil junior Zheng Da and annoying Jonas.
Jonas: I beg you please please please please please please...
Zheng Da: No no no I don't wanna no no no no no no no....

Something like that lar.
Ok, gtg.
Cyas XD

Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
6/30/2009 08:01:00 PM <3


MIDNIGHT!/ Monday, June 29, 2009

Sigh... So I have to do my homework again... Even if I resorted to copying, I still have to put in some effort to complete something.
Now chionging on Physics, later need to do Bio, then Maths... Damn, should have listened to my conscience...
Conscience: Do your homework!!! Later last minute you are gonna regret it! And stop bullying lVIaple214 and STOP PLAYING MAPLE!

Lesson learnt.
Anyways, I gotta share a little poem I created during the Lit lesson today. Mdm Rozila told us to make a poem, so I suddenly got this wacky inspiration and bam! There you go, a poem in less than 3 minutes.
Here goes:
H1N1, aka swine flu
Now people don't know what to do
Panic here
Pandemic there
There are chaos everywhere
Fever here
Sneezing there
Now people are losing hair

The losing hair part was really random, so... Nevermind.
At least it's funny.
But when teacher called me up to read my poem, I had to do it on the spot since I can't really read this out.
And It's worse than my 1st one.

Aiya, I don't wanna talk le. Need chiong my homework or else kena scolding.
And I don't like that.
It makes me lose my hair.

Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
6/29/2009 10:18:00 PM <3


MIDNIGHT!/ Friday, June 26, 2009

Ok... I hate doing these quizzes, 'coz it's a hassle. But for the heck of it... Sian.
1) Who was the last person you texted?
Ans: Eunice, even though I wanted to seriously disturb my sis today.
2) Who was the first person that texted you today?
Ans: Refer to above. Yes, I am lazy.
3) Who was the last person you last met?
Ans: Ask my sis. She is right beside me right now.
4) Would you consider yourself spoiled?
Ans: Not me, but my brain.
5) What time did you went to bed last night?
Ans: Around 1 am.
6) Have you ever had a best friend who is the opposite sex?
Ans: All those who are opposite sex = ENEMY
7) Do you want someone dead?
Ans: Yes. Isaac and Jonas.
8) What are you thinking right now?
Ans: That this quiz is lame but fun.
9) Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Ans: The uncle who sells char siew rice in Loyang Point. Don't ask.
10) Do you wish someone was with you right now?
Ans: No, because my sis is a little irritating.
11) Who are you talking to right now?
Ans: ... Is this a rhetorical question?
12) What does the last message say?
Ans: Nothing in particular, 'coz it's none of your business.
13) Is someone in your mind?
Ans: Myself literally exploding into laughter.
14) Who is complaining to you right now?
Ans: ... Next question. (irritated)
15) 10 people to do this quiz:

1) My sis, 'coz she is bugging me.
2) lVIaple214, aka Isaac.
3) Eunice, but I know it will take years for her to do this.
4) Jonas.
5) Li Meng :)
6) My couz.
7) Justin, 'coz I know he won't bother.
8) Malvin.
9) Victor aka Visco aka Vicso. Whatever.
10) My bolster.

16) When was the last time you chatted with 3?
Ans: Erm... Does sms count?
17) What if 5 and 10 quarrel?
Ans: My bolster would win.
18) Who is 1 having a relationship with?
19) Is 9 fierce?
Ans: I guess... Not.
20) Is 3 & 4 studying in the same school?
Ans: Duh.
21) Who is 2 to you?
Ans: Punching bag, pervert, and something to scream at.
22) How did you know 10?
Ans: When I set my eyes on it in Tampines Mall, I knew we were meant to be together. But very expensive.
23) When did you last talk to 6 & 8?
Ans: My couz... When it's CNY, I think... Malvin? The last day of school.
24) Are you close with 7?
Ans: Nuh-uh.
25) How long have you known 1?
Ans: Since she was born... Around 13 years. And counting.
26) What if 5 & 7 fight?
Ans: What the hell? Do they know each other?
27) How long have you known 9?
Ans: Since 2009.
28) Say something about 2.
Ans: You suck.
29) Is 4 trustworthy?
Ans: NO WAY. He is never trustworthy.
30) Who is 1 to you?
Ans: Next time, I am not going to put my sis as the 1st person.
31) Do you argue with 7 all the time?
Ans: He's not even sitting close to my desk...
32) How well do you know 5?
Ans: Do you know what 'best friends' means?
33) Do you know things about 1?
Ans: Lots of things which you won't even belive your ears.
34) Is 2 & 9 schoolmates?
Ans: No. I don't even want to see 2 in my school.
35) What if 4 & 10 fight?
Ans: ... My bolster would win. Hands down. Again.

I know I will have a lot of complaints.
But it's all in the name of pure, stupidcrappy fun.
And no one can win my bolster.

Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
6/26/2009 11:30:00 PM <3


MIDNIGHT!/ Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ok... This is one of those nearing the ending of school holidays panic, where you totally didn't do any of your homework... Sheesh, blame the ones who invent MapleStory.
I still have a pile of homework, and I have a lot of time now, but I don't have the motivation to start on homework. Ah, what the heck. I'll copy from my friends tomorrow then.
But there is some good news and bad news for the next few weeks.
Good news 1: H1N1!
Bad news 1: H1N1...
(Ok, it takes a while to get you thinking. A little brain-training is good for your sanity anyway.)
Good news 2: Maybe 1 more week of holidaying!
Bad news 2: MAYBE 1 more week of holidaying.
(Seriously, I should get the pros and cons straight.)
Good news 3: Look on the bright side! At least there is something to look for after Term 3!
Bad news 3: Scoot over to the emo corner; this ain't the time to ponder over suicide.
And I thought all those would be funny...
Argh, dammit. No one laughed.

Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
6/24/2009 07:24:00 PM <3


MIDNIGHT!/ Wednesday, June 10, 2009

At school now, blogging (duh). So sian, need ushuring. If I had known earlier, I would not have agreed to Mrs Ang le... Sigh... SIAN LAH, NEED WAIT UNTIL 11 (why is it so small?) AM!!! GRR!
I wanna go home... At least I can change the timing so that I can play Hotel 626. Ah, whatever.
Late gratz to my bro and sis! OLP lvl 44 n Anna lvl 51 :)

Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
6/10/2009 09:44:00 AM <3


MIDNIGHT!/ Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's been another few days since I last updated~ But it's still active! XD
Yay my video has been put up in YouTube! Hope you guys can support me by watching it!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmehsgZMdj4 - Kingdom Hearts AMV - Long Kiss Goodbye

Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
6/02/2009 09:36:00 AM <3
