MIDNIGHT!/ Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hey peeps... squeak?
It sounds nicer with a squeak behind.
Makes you guys sound like rats :3
Tired as I always am, I keptmyself awake through Facebook games.
Yes, those lame games.
My iPhone games are a bit boring, so I decided to return to those games I'd left months ago.
Oh well. At least I get to use the computer again.
Next week's full of tests, then after that it'll be the Mid-Years.
Scared? You betcha I am.
I've been failing my maths lately, and I'm an "at-risk" Chinese stuudent.
And I gotta buck up my English, too.
Talking about English, next week is Prelim Oral...
I'm indifferent to all those tests teachers keep hitting us with, so... *shrugs* Let's get this done and over with.
And I can't wait for 'O' Levels.
Annnnnddd the long holidays after that.
Yeah. Can't wait.
Not much to say here now. Just a few rants to waste my sleeping time.
See ya guys. Best for upcoming exams.
Dammit, it ain't meant to be.
4/18/2010 01:09:00 AM <3